HOGWASH part whatever idc


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Mar 26, 2023
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GOOOOD MORNING RENATUS NETWORK !!! My name is Noodle, known as the best pvper on Battlegrounds, hottest motherfucker in this town, D1 Athlete for yapping, current zaza seller and plug(hmu if u want some, free shipping), certified women lover, and the most realest motherfucker out there. The reason I have made this forum post is to explain the atrocities and biased staff members that me and other players have experienced. A few others and I have finally decided to speak out the many flaws and problems within the server, community, the players, and even the ones who help manage the actual minecraft server.

  • Unprofessionalism
You know me, I'm known to troll and pull pranks with my friends in the server, but that's just one thing compared to the unprofessionalism shown by some of the staff members, coming from me about being unprofessional and annoying, I get it! But because I am that and the staff can be that too with no consequences, that's a bit unfair, no?

FULL CONTEXT: I was playing battlegrounds with the other players, and both BethXRose and _Juniiper came online and decided to mention about the recent ticket I made about me getting warned for auto clicking by BethXRose as shown through this screenshot here:
warned for ac.png
I've already explained many times that I wasn't auto clicking and even showed proof to Leaindy, yet both staff logged on to battlegrounds and provoke the situation yet again. The first image shows the moderator _juniiper replying to the comment I made "easy pal i know u want me banned" to "who doesnt". 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 ...
Yeah I get it, some players wants us gone for good for the amount of pranks and trolls that we've pulled off these years, and I'm completely fine with another player saying that, but coming from a mod and a helper is straight up player disrespect and obvious biased feelings towards us, and here is another screenshot of pure unprofessionalism:
If any other player said that, its a huge concern and punishment but when staffs say it, its all jokes and laughs because of their title and power that they have.

  • What the Frick?
I don't really need to explain much for this one as it speaks for itself, but:

Everyone's honest reaction:pikashock.jpg
Like C'mon, man! We already had enough pedos on this server but WOW. We've banned and consulted those who were suspected for these weird comments but just a small talk and let-go from that? Nah that's just not it. Making those types of comments in an actual job and the real world could end up costing your job and reputation, and the players from parkour are even defending her statement too?! Even if BethXRose's comment did actually mean something else, how come she wasn't defending against the allegations and accusation that was said in parkour chat? She could have said "I meant this or that, not what you guys are accusing me with", but instead she replies with, "basically means you can do anything no matter your age". With that logic and statement, she's basically saying a 25 year old can have intimate relationship with a 15 year old, or a 32 year old could have the ability texting to an underaged minor with no consequence. Then again the questions kept continuing about BethXRose's statement, but we were yet silenced down by another moderator in chat.

  • Player Vendetta and Favoritism amongst Friends
I will combine these two topics together in one section because why not. Continuing on to this topic, I have concluded proofs for player hate and vendetta as seen through this video that I recorded:
If you do not want to watch the full video I will explain the full context of what happened in that video.

FULL CONTEXT: Originally the video that I wanted to make was a concern for the anti-cheat that has been kicking me and a few other players from the server for auto-clicking, and I wanted to show the staff team a full video of how annoying it was that I couldn't click for 15 seconds at least before I get kicked. Again, both _juniiper and BethXRose came on to the server and started spectating me, mainly because I was flagging the anti-cheat, but as soon as I got kicked and rejoined back, they followed up with this comment as shown here from the screenshot:

I then retaliated back as shown from the video, and then they followed up with these comments:

Clearly they do not like me and are not afraid to join the same server as me just to antagonize me. This can also follow up to unprofessionalism but I will put these screenshots in this specific category.
the second screenshot was from the earlier screenshots but it does show a moderator being disrespectful towards players.
As to Favoritism and biased feelings towards friends and players that they do not associate with, here are some screenshots:
spam1.png + + (I will start posting links for screenshots because apparently I am not allowed to send more than 10 files???)

UNFORTUNATELY I accidentally deleted 2 more gyazo screenshots that shows staff letting players spam and use hate speech, but that doesn't matter anyways because this should be enough for my case hopefully. The screenshot provided shows players spamming in chat and mods not warning them for it due to their friendship and favoritism, and the second shows a player spamming but no one is doing anything about it and letting it go while a mod was present. Due to friendship and favoritism, players that are close with the staff members are allowed to do as they please in chat while players who are not close or straight up new to the server will receive punishment for chat abuse. Imagine what other things that those staff members allowed for their friends just because they are close with each other. Not just within the server but in the actual discord server too as shown by these users spamming in general chat and player disrespect:
https://i.gyazo.com/thumb/1200/3b67f2ae02b5e092e8bac58e7ae32e78-png.jpg + .
Another case about favoritism was from the counting channel as I was warned if I were to ruin counting once again, I will have my perms removed to speak in that channel as shown here:
Then again another user that had no friendship or any correlations with _juniiper decided to ruin counting as soon as I got warned for it:
which was understandable because I just got warned for ruining counting (😂😂😂 you guys take counting way too serious) but following up we have users that were favored from juni ruining the count streak and doing the same things that I did, and to no avail they did not get warned at all.
https://i.gyazo.com/thumb/1200/af942637f2ef8c022c42696330e4518b-png.jpg + If staff are going to warn one player and warn another player too, they should also warn their friends too for breaking the rules.

Another case for favoritism was this report I made a few weeks ago about players exploiting as shown in this youtube link:
I then made a ticket about it and showed proof the 2 players the exploit and what they were doing but I got a follow up question with this: Obviously they were not causing any harm but it was stated in the rulesets of Renatus Network:
  • "Play the game as it was designed; no exploiting or glitch abusing, report any exploits immediately. Abusing an exploit or failure to disclose an exploit will result in a permanent ban."
Why did _juniiper ask that question when i reported? Who knows, maybe because the players that I reported were close friends and she didn't feel like warning them due to their friendship, but that's just my speculation. I did ask juni if exploiting is allowed then she followed up with this response:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...8a75f846cbb438a9411fc1f1702aa0798cfe5d3384db& and Let me say this, I reported the players who were exploiting and not playing the game intentionally, there were not hate feelings or any personal vendetta against these players that I reported, I simply just reported for players exploiting, but Juni's accusation was that I did try to get them banned for exploiting which was not the case. I simply just reported someone for exploiting and then I get all these follow up statements like "Does it cause any harm" or "I wont do anything about it if it doesn't cause any harm or ill intentions". She says that a moderators job is to interpret the rules for players which I believe is hypocrisy. Many times has a player been warned and they asked for what they got warned for, but the staff refuses to tell or inform them what rules they have broken. The job of a moderator is not just to interpret the rules, but to ENFORCE the rules on to players. AGAIN, it feels like Juni is trying to defend her friends from receiving any punishments from what I reported, but that's just me, kind of suspicious, no?

This has been a pleasure writing this out, I give credit to FAR741, I will also like to give my thanks and gratitude to nahcnak and T3RO, and I will give Astrollo a nice big sucky sucky if he ever wants to run some games with me. Fix or replace the anti-cheat, its really not that great, the old one was better blah blah, and I hope you all have a great day.


  • warned for ac.png
    warned for ac.png
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  • pedop.png
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Mar 26, 2023
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this will go down as one of the posts of all time. 🍷1749e4d07f58235c6c1507494041046b.jpg
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Mar 25, 2023
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Modern day angels go to hell :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
Sr. PR
Staff member
Sr. PR
Feb 5, 2023
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Hey man, I think you made some interesting points and want to address them in a constructive manner.

We take professionalism among our staff members seriously, but we also want to give them the freedom to be normal players and to interact with players in a fun light, even if it sometimes becomes unprofessional. It's important that both staff and players have fun and respectful communication. We aren't a business, nor do we plan on becoming one. Any money that we generate always goes back into the server, no one is ever paid, this server is a hobby for many staff members and not a job. I think you would agree that our staff, and our server in general, is very relaxed when it comes to a lot of situations, as we want everyone to have fun. I agree that in some situations you mentioned our staff members could've been more respectful and professional, but I won't stand here and excuse your behavior of disrespectful comments and inciteful remarks. Our staff are people and players as well, so if you want them to treat you better then treat them better. You getting warned for auto clicking was from a new staff member who was still learning, consider cutting them some slack instead of bashing them publicly. Your crusade to make enemies and then play victim is becoming your own worst enemy and that's just me being real.

Inappropriate Comments:
The comments made by Beth were already addressed in private and the situation was entirely resolved. Again, consider cutting her some slack as she is new and still learning. She realized her comments were taken out of context and she realized how horrible it sounded after reflection. So let me give you the context that you cut out of her previous messages. She was trying to explain that just because you're younger or older doesn't mean you can or can't do what you're passionate about. She wasn't referring to any illegal intimate relationships.

Player Vendetta and Favoritism:
We strive to treat players fairly and equally, regardless of their relationships with staff members. However, when you upset our staff members you can't then play victim. Furthermore, the reason Yung and Lemon were not punished is because, just like how you reported the issue to us, Lemon also reported the exploit to us. There was absolutely no player favoritism as we've taken this same action for years now. Prograde is banned for failing to tell us an exploit he used. Far has been banned numerous times for exploiting, but has conversely been unbanned every time for telling us how he exploited. This has always been our stance and will continue to be our stance for the foreseeable future.

Anti-Cheat and Technical Issues:
We understand both yours and other player's feedback regarding the anti-cheat system, however, we're not going to make exceptions to any players when it comes to our anti-cheat. In terms of improving our anti-cheat, we have plans to improve it in the future as we understand that a fair and enjoyable gameplay environment is essential, but we cannot enact every single change you want immediately and we're not going to cater to you. We have plans to revamp the Battlegrounds server into a fun and enjoyable experience, but we do not have the team to focus on multiple big projects at once.

Furthermore, here's some comments from Ends on the matter:

"No anti-cheat is perfect. Especially not a server-side anti-cheat like is present in our, and many other, servers; however, we have talked privately about the reasons you have been getting kicked before. Without revealing personal aspects such as your peripherals, clicking techniques, and settings that we've talked about, the way you click is irregular and is either banned or seen as an "at your own risk" method on many competitive PvP servers. There is a very good reason the techniques you use and the features of your mouse are banned or "risky" on these servers. These properties of your play are very known to cause false positives. While we are not a competitive server, we also face to issues of having to try and distinguish legitimate and illegitimate play. Some of the techniques you and others use are indistinguishable from illegitimate play to any anti-cheat. Our options become: Loosen the anti-cheat considerably and risk real cheaters or keep it at it's current state with some false positives under non-traditional types of play. Given that we are not a competitive server and wish to target a wider audience, we chose the latter and are keeping the anti-cheat as is or close to as is to still be able to catch legitimate cheaters. If you get kicked by using these commonly known "risky" styles of play, then there is nothing we can do to the anti-cheat to accommodate you without making the server more vulnerable as a whole. "

The fact of the matter is, your behavior has become your own worst enemy, and although there have been instances where our staff have become upset or unprofessional towards you, that entirely does not excuse your behavior on the matter. If you want to be treated in a friendly manner, consider treating our staff in a friendly manner instead of trolling or creating issues. Instead, your cries for bias and vendetta against you have only gotten yourself in trouble. This is not a fantasy world where you can bend the rules to act in your favor; this is not a place where you can troll new players, target them, and plain out be toxic to anyone in our server. If we were not so relaxed with our ruleset--that you swear is pitted against you--we would've banned you ages ago. As just like I explained to Far in his Hogwash post, your behavior does more harm to our server than good. If we were truly bias and pitted against you, we would've banned you from our server, our discord, and our forums many ages ago. We have taken measures in private to reflect on our behavior as a team, and to become better in the future in our handling of any issues. Can you say the same?

This is all that will come publicly from any of our staff team regarding your forum post. I encourage you to make a ticket or private message me over Discord if you want more insight or want to try to further resolve any issues you may have.
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Mar 26, 2023
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I am not going to argue here, but I do want to call out some things that you mentioned in your reply towards my thread. It is true that my behavior in the server is not ok and I do accept that, but you keep mentioning about my behavior every time even though we already acknowledged the actions that I have made, and dodging the main concerns that I had about the favoritisms and the biased situations that I have provided within the screenshots used upon from certain staff members. The part where I got warned for auto-clicking is old news, and I did cut her some slack and moved on. I know she made that mistake as I did report that in a ticket, and that was not the main concern for this report. I reported that they continued to push and apprehended me countless times AFTER we already established that Beth's warning on me was a mistake AND I do not auto click. If you did read the screenshots, Beth still got on battleground alongside with Juni to apprehend me while I was pvping with my friends and other players, and I'm sorry for my attitude towards the moderators and I do take back what I said to them, but if Beth is going to tell players to stop playing on the server because of me and still accusing that I do auto click, I will say something back. Now that I know my words have consequences, I will no longer provoke or speak ill towards any player or staff member and go on my way. If you want proof of her saying that she tells players to just stop playing because of me, check the chat logs through console on this date and time — 09/16/2023 3:40 PM EST on Battlegrounds (or 3:00PM because chat goes fast).

For the favoritism and biased topic, you also failed to mention the part where moderation do not warn their friends in chat for breaking the rules and letting them do whatever you want. I just don't think that's fair at all as any other player would have done the same as the favored ones, they would receive warnings, but not them. I also took found another screenshot to prove that moderation team is failing to warn players due to their friendship and relationship.
https://gyazo.com/cb7f4e6bbec19c66fbda79e078551beb This screenshot and the previous ones that I have posted earlier.
There have been many cases where the moderation team has let their friends do whatever they want because they're friends, as I stated before, this is favoritism and biased.
As for the exploiting ticket that I have created before, I need to reiterate what I said previously. I intentionally did not want those players banned for exploiting. I simply recorded something that caught my eyes and did what any other player would do, report the exploit, show who did it, fix the exploit, and go on. You're saying that the players weren't banned for what they did and that's great. That was not the main concern for my report as I stated before. I said previously that I made the ticket and showed them the video of the exploit and reported to which Juni replied with "theyre not doing any harm are they". What was I suppose to do with that question, assume that what they were doing is fine and go on my way? It seems like she was defending her friends thinking that I did wanted to ban them, which was not the case, or that's what it seemed like it was.

As for the anti-cheat, ok. I understand the situation the staff team currently is right now and that they do no have the time or help to focus on something that me and the other players have experienced. That will be something that we will stop bringing up now that I have a clear and full answer.

And now for me, I truly do understand the behavior that I have done these past few years, and reading what Ends has said did reflect some light towards my motives. I'm officially coming down here to apologize for real this time for my actions that I have done here on this server. It may have been funny for some people, but I do now understand the discomfort that me and others have caused. The trollings and pranks will cease for good and I will do my best to stop the toxicity that I have been doing these past years. But do consider what I said above about the favoritism and biased cases that have been going on around the server. I am not making this up. There are a lot of hypocrisy when it comes to the moderation team about them saying they will abide by the rules, but not enforcing it upon their close ones or friends. Now that I have spoken I hope you can understand and take my words into consideration. Thank you.
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Mar 26, 2023
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Mar 26, 2023
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